Greenstone Memorials
Freelance Project
About the brand's identity
Greenstone Memorials is a UK based company who supply headstones to the council via sustainable methods of production and transportation. This client wanted the logo to reflect their modern outlook on product creation and transportation which is represented in the logo's contemporary design style and colouring. The logo I created shows a 'G' & 'S' (Green-stone) which make up a cube shape, representing a packing box used to transport products, and also the natural stone block in which headstones are carved from. The mark and lockup are used on the company's website, email signatures and business cards.
RAX Marketing
Freelance Project
About the brand's identity
RAX Marketing is a startup company specialising in brand design and online/social media marketing. As a company of young adults, they wanted to rebrand with a new logo which represents their fresh approach to briefs while maintaining a sense of modernity and class. The created logo is a sleek, black & white mark depicting 'RX', taking advantage of the similarities in the design of their characters. The logomark is used on the company website and email signatures.