in great shape
University Project
‘in great shape’ is a campaign that has the goal of raising awareness of body dysmorphia as a medical condition, normalising it in conversation among peers and general gym goers, with the potential to lead those in need to official organisations to get help. Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD/Body dysmorphia) is a condition that affects around 1 in 10 UK residents and almost half of UK gym-goers. Those with the condition tend to experience a disabling preoccupation with perceived defects or flaws in their physical appearance, making them extremely self-conscious, in turn, reducing their confidence and overall quality of life.
The ‘in great shape’ campaign stretches over both physical & digital touchpoints to deliver this message of comfort and reassurance. Through the use of Bauhaus inspired shapes and conversational tones, different body types are represented and acknowledged in a way that leaves the viewer feeling encouraged instead of uncomfortable.
This campaign would be seen in a range of places, both online and in person, with the initial touchpoint being in commercial gyms such as Puregym and The Gym Group. Ideally, these spaces would be overhauled with the assets necessary to promote this campaign during mental health week (May 13-19th) when the community are more aware and receptive of mental health conditions.
Commercial gyms are the perfect place to display this type of media as research has shown that they lack information on display talking about body dysmorphia (not to be confused with body positivity), which creates an opening for this type of media. This allows gym- goers to gain insight into the condition, giving them the opportunity to spread the word and converse with others, further working towards normalising the topic.
The 'in great shape' deliverables each have their own message/narrative which is shown in the captions and illustrations, accompanied by paragraphs mentioning the importance of seeking help for body dysmorphia which can be looked into on the 'in great shape' website.

Postcard Spread

Stacked Postcards

Back of Postcard

Campaign Stickers

Postcard Packaging

Poster Tubing

The Process:

Testing out 3D glasses with a design

Finding my style & creating a visual language

Early design prototypes

Packaging planning